Our Story


Adrienne Angelvin is a French clothing brand that launched in 2016 in St-Tropez. Seeing a need for high quality products made in France, Adrienne began creating handmade leather tote bags in her studio overlooking the vineyards of St-Tropez. Inspired by vibrant memories of past travels, living in Provence through the seasons and the rich earth of her husband’s family vineyard, Adrienne creates her designs to inspire you to be “carried by the breeze.” 

The tradition of creating runs deep in Adrienne’s family. Her grandmother, born in Jamaica to a Chinese emigrée and Jamaican farmer, became a missionary and seamstress. She traveled country to country with her family and a sewing machine, inheriting a grace and wisdom her granddaughter would one day learn to admire. Adrienne learned from her to sew and crochet, to observe beauty in minute detail, and most importantly to appreciate the value of quality. Early lessons instilled a love for the artistry of tailoring, but that creativity must also be pliant. From her grandmother came Adrienne’s inspiration that her designs should “be carried by the wind.”  


Adrienne was born in Toronto, Canada, to Jamaican parents – a fiber woven into a rich ancestral tapestry that includes Scottish, Hakka Chinese, Sri Lankan, and Eritrean heritage. Her diverse studies in anthropology, linguistics and classical theater have taken her from Tallahassee, Florida to Montreal, Canada, and Marseille, France. Her travels and experiences have introduced her to a spectrum of characters, stories and images that inspired the launch of her Summer 2022 collection.

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