My best friend and the godmother of my daughter, Sara is who I often affectionately refer to as my translator. She gently (or curtly) keeps me on point and makes a door for the circular notions in my head. Sara, my soul sister, makes sense and is my indispensible sounding board. Sara, the consummate chameleon, is at home riding motorcycles in the Gambia with an NGO or at an art opening at the Whitney. She is a woman who is inspiringly strong and beautifully fragile,
The Sara blouse is a second skin that will wrap you from summer to winter with its timeless beauty. Sleeveless and composed of 100% silk, this blouse can be worn with everything. Composed of individual panels, the blouse moves with the wearer to emphasize your best lines. Hidden buttons and one exposed top button add a special touch and will accompany you into the fall season under a simple blazer or your favourite cashmere sweater.